In the subsequent examples, assume the following variables are defined
const embedding = [1, 2, 3];
const query = "My text input";
Insert embedding
await client.query("INSERT INTO books (embedding) VALUES ($1)", embedding);
Find nearest rows
const result = await client.query(
"SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY embedding <-> $1 LIMIT 5",
const result = await client.query(
"SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY embedding <-> text_embedding('BAAI/bge-small-en', $1) LIMIT 5",
Insert embedding
await db.none("INSERT INTO books (embedding) VALUES ($1)", embedding);
Find nearest rows
const result = await db.any(
"SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY embedding <-> $1 LIMIT 5",
const result = await db.any(
"SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY embedding <-> text_embedding('BAAI/bge-small-en', $1) LIMIT 5",
Insert embedding
await db.books.create({ embedding });
Find nearest rows
const result =
await Prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY embedding <-> ${embedding} LIMIT 5`;
const result =
await Prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY text_embedding('BAAI/bge-small-en', ${query}) <-> book_embedding LIMIT 5`;
Insert embedding
await db.insert({ embedding }).into("books");
Find nearest rows
const result = await db
.orderBy(sql`embedding <-> ${embedding}`)
const result = await db
sql`text_embedding('BAAI/bge-small-en', ${query}) <-> embedding`
See the client library documentation for more examples.
import lantern from 'lanterndata/sequelize';
import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
const sequelize = Sequelize();
await sequelize.createLanternExtension();
await sequelize.createLanternExtrasExtension();
Create table and add index
const Book = sequelize.define('Book', {
id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true },
embedding: { type: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.REAL) },
name: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
url: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
}, {
modelName: 'Book',
tableName: 'books',
await sequelize.query(`
CREATE INDEX book_index ON books USING lantern_hnsw(book_embedding dist_l2sq_ops)
WITH (M=2, ef_construction=10, ef=4, dims=3);
Insert embedding
await Book.create({ embedding });
Vector search
await Book.findAll({
order: sequelize.l2Distance('embedding', [1, 1, 1]),
limit: 5,
await Book.findAll({
order: sequelize.cosineDistance('embedding', [1, 1, 1]),
limit: 5,
await Book.findAll({
order: sequelize.hammingDistance('embedding', [1, 1, 1]),
limit: 5,
Vector search with embedding generation
import { ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const {CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL} = ImageEmbeddingModels;
const bookEmbeddingsOrderd = await Book.findAll({
order: [[sequelize.l2Distance('embedding', sequelize.imageEmbedding(CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, 'url')), 'desc']],
where: { url: { [Op.not]: null } },
limit: 2,
Generate text and image embeddings (static)
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const text = 'hello world';
const [result] = await sequelize.generateTextEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, text);
const imageUrl = '';
const [result] = await sequelize.generateImageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, imageUrl);
Generate text and image embeddings (dynamic)
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const bookTextEmbeddings = await Book.findAll({
attributes: ['name', sequelize.textEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, 'name')],
where: { name: { [Op.not]: null } },
limit: 5,
raw: true,
const bookImageEmbeddings = await Book.findAll({
attributes: ['url', sequelize.imageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, 'url')],
where: { url: { [Op.not]: null } },
limit: 5,
raw: true,
See the client library documentation for more examples.
import Knex from 'knex';
import 'lanterndata/knex';
const knex = Knex();
await knex.schema.createLanternExtension();
await knex.schema.createLanternExtrasExtension()
Create table and add index
await knex.schema.createTable('books', (table) => {
table.specificType('url', 'TEXT');
table.specificType('name', 'TEXT');
table.specificType('embedding', 'REAL[]');
CREATE INDEX book_index ON books USING lantern_hnsw(book_embedding dist_l2sq_ops)
WITH (M=2, ef_construction=10, ef=4, dims=3);
Insert embedding
await knex("books").insert({ embedding });
Vector search
await knex('books')
.orderBy(knex.l2Distance('embedding', [1, 1, 1]))
await knex('books')
.orderBy(knex.cosineDistance('embedding', [1, 1, 1]))
await knex('books')
.orderBy(knex.hammingDistance('embedding', [1, 1, 1]))
// Vector search with embedding generation
await knex('books')
knex.imageEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, 'name')
Generate text and image embeddings (static)
import Knex from 'knex';
import 'lanterndata/knex';
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const text = 'hello world';
const embedding = await knex.generateTextEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, text);
const imageUrl = '';
const embedding = await knex.generateImageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, imageUrl);
Generate text and image embeddings (dynamic)
import Knex from 'knex';
import 'lanterndata/knex';
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const selectLiteral = knex.textEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, 'name');
const bookTextEmbeddings = await knex('books')
const selectLiteral = knex.imageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, 'url');
const bookImageEmbeddings = await knex('books')
Drizzle ORM
See the client library documentation for more examples.
import postgres from 'postgres';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';
import { createLanternExtension, createLanternExtrasExtension } from 'lanterndata/drizzle-orm';
const client = await postgres();
const db = drizzle(client);
await db.execute(createLanternExtension());
await db.execute(createLanternExtrasExtension());
Create table and add index
const Book = pgTable('books', {
id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
name: text('name'),
url: text('url'),
embedding: real('embedding').array(),
await client`CREATE INDEX book_index ON books USING lantern_hnsw(embedding dist_l2sq_ops)`;
Vector search
import { l2Distance, cosineDistance, hammingDistance } from 'lanterndata/drizzle-orm';
await db
.orderBy(l2Distance(Book.embedding, [1, 1, 1]))
await db
.orderBy(cosineDistance(Book.embedding, [1, 1, 1]))
await db
.orderBy(hammingDistance(Book.embedding, [1, 1, 1]))
Vector search with embedding generation
import { l2Distance, imageEmbedding } from 'lanterndata/drizzle-orm';
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const { CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL } = ImageEmbeddingModels;
await db
.orderBy(desc(l2Distance(Book.embedding, imageEmbedding(CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, Book.url))))
Generate text and image embeddings (static)
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
import { generateTextEmbedding, generateImageEmbedding } from 'lanterndata/drizzle-orm';
const text = 'hello world';
const result = await db.execute(generateTextEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, text));
const imageUrl = '';
const result = await db.execute(generateImageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, imageUrl));
Generate text and image embeddings (dynamic)
import { textEmbedding, imageEmbedding } from 'lanterndata/drizzle-orm';
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const bookTextEmbeddings = await db
text_embedding: textEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN,,
const bookImageEmbeddings = await db
url: Book.url,
image_embedding: imageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, Book.url),
See the client library documentation for more examples.
import { MikroORM } from '@mikro-orm/postgresql';
import { extend } from 'lanterndata/mikro-orm';
const orm = await MikroORM.init({});
const em = orm.em.fork();
await em.createLanternExtension();
await em.createLanternExtrasExtension();
Create table and add index
import { toSql } from 'lanterndata/mikro-orm';
const Book = new EntitySchema({
name: 'Book',
tableName: 'books',
properties: {
id: { type: 'number', primary: true },
name: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
url: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
embedding: { type: 'Array<number>', nullable: true },
await em.execute('CREATE INDEX book_index ON books USING lantern_hnsw(embedding dist_l2sq_ops');
const books = =>
em.create(Book, {,
// use toSql method to convert [1,2,3] into '{1,2,3}'
embedding: toSql(book.embedding),
await em.persistAndFlush(books);
Vector search
await em
.orderBy({ [em.l2Distance('embedding', [1, 1, 1])]: 'ASC' })
await em
.orderBy({ [em.cosineDistance('embedding', [1, 1, 1])]: 'ASC' })
await em
.orderBy({ [em.hammingDistance('embedding', [1, 1, 1])]: 'ASC' })
Vector search with embedding generation
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const { CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL } = ImageEmbeddingModels;
const bookEmbeddingsOrderd = await em
.qb(Book, 'b1')
.where({ url: { $ne: null } })
.orderBy({ [em.l2Distance('embedding', em.imageEmbedding(CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, 'b1.url'))]: 'DESC' })
Generate text and image embeddings (static)
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const { BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN } = TextEmbeddingModels;
const { CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL } = ImageEmbeddingModels;
const text = 'hello world';
const result = await em.generateTextEmbedding(BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, text);
const imageUrl = '';
const result = await em.generateImageEmbedding(CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, imageUrl);
Generate text and image embeddings (dynamic)
import { TextEmbeddingModels, ImageEmbeddingModels } from 'lanterndata/embeddings';
const bookTextEmbeddings = await em
.qb(Book, 'b1')
.select(['name', em.textEmbedding(TextEmbeddingModels.BAAI_BGE_BASE_EN, '')])
.where({ name: { $ne: null } })
const bookImageEmbeddings = await em
.qb(Book, 'b1')
.select(['url', em.imageEmbedding(ImageEmbeddingModels.CLIP_VIT_B_32_VISUAL, 'b1.url')])
.where({ url: { $ne: null } })