Migrate from pgvector to Lantern Cloud
This guide assumes that you are using Postgres with pgvector
, and that you want to use Lantern Cloud instead.
Create a Lantern Cloud database
Sign up for Lantern Cloud and create a database. Obtain a database URL. We'll call this
. -
indexesTo get the commands that were used to generate the
indexes, run the following querysqlCopySELECT x.indexdef FROM pg_indexes x WHERE x.indexdef LIKE '%hnsw%';
It should generate output such as
sqlCopyCREATE INDEX your_table_embedding_idx ON public.your_table USING lantern_hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (m='16', ef_construction='64')
Save this output for later to re-create your vector indexes.
indexesNext, drop all indexes created by
. Note that by doing this, your queries will now be unindexed.sqlCopyDO $$ DECLARE r RECORD; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexdef LIKE '%hnsw%' LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || quote_ident(r.indexname); END LOOP; END $$;
To do this manually, your queries will look something like this
sqlCopyDROP INDEX IF EXISTS index_name;
Migrate vector columns to
columnsThen, you will first need to migrate your data type from
.sqlCopyDO $$ DECLARE r record; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT t.table_name, c.column_name, format('ALTER TABLE %I ALTER COLUMN %I TYPE REAL[] USING %I::REAL[]', t.table_name, c.column_name, c.column_name) as alter_stmt FROM information_schema.columns c JOIN information_schema.tables t ON t.table_name = c.table_name WHERE c.udt_name = 'vector' LOOP EXECUTE r.alter_stmt; END LOOP; END $$;
To do this manually, the queries will look something like this
sqlCopyALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN vector_column_name TYPE REAL[];
extensionDisable the
extension.sqlCopyDROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS vector;
Backup the Source Database
Use the
utility to create a database backup.bashCopypg_dump $OLD_DATABASE_URL > backup.sql
(Optional) Stop the old database
You may want to disable the old database at this time, to prevent data from being dropped.
Transfer the Data
sqlCopypsql $LANTERN_DATABASE_URL < backup.sql
Re-create your indexes
Lantern has a slightly different syntax for creating HNSW indexes than
uses the syntaxsqlCopyCREATE INDEX ON items USING lantern_hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (m = 16, ef_construction = 64);
Lantern uses the syntax
sqlCopyCREATE INDEX ON small_world USING lantern_hnsw (vector dist_l2sq_ops) WITH (M=2, ef_construction=10, ef=4, dim=3);
Edit the output from step 2 to re-create your original
indexes with Lantern. Run the new commands. And you're done! -
Use the new database
Update any applications, scripts, or services to point to the new database.
Reach out to support@lantern.dev for any questions or assistance with migrations. We're happy to help.